Thursday, March 26, 2009

God in children

Yesterday during my morning meditation time (ie quiet time, hang time, whatever you want to call it), I was praying for God to show me more of His Father heart for me right now. He answered my prayer in a very unexpected way. During my afternoon group, one of my girls handed me a note, four pages long and beautifully written in different colors, accompanied by designs and drawings. Part of it was clearly something she copied from somewhere, like the type of thing that someone would forward on as an email to all of their friends, but it was much more meaningful than that since it was so carefully handwritten. The part that God used to answer my prayer was the following (Portuguese followed by English translation):

Se algum dia, voce vier a esquecer de mim, olhe para o mar e eu serei a onda que vier ao seu lado.

Se algum dia, voce vier a esquecer de mim, olhe para as estrelas e eu serei a que mais brilhar.

Se algum dia, voce se esquecer de mim, olhe para as flores e eu serei a que voce cheirar.

Mas mesmo assim se continuar se esquecendo de mim... Olhe para os passaros e eu serei o sinonimo de liberdade.

E se continuar esquecendo de mim, olhe para a lua e eu serei a luz que te guia na escuridao.

E se a lua nao fizer voce lembrar de mim... Olhe para o sol e eu seria sua fonte de energia.

E se tudo isso fizer com que nao lembres de mim...

Olhe para as criancas e eu serei a que com carinho te dizer...


If some day you should come to forget me, look to the sea and I will be the wave that comes to your side.

If some day you should come to forget me, look to the stars and I will be the one that shines brightest.

If some day you should forget me, look to the flowers and I will be the one that you smell.

But if you still continue forgetting me... Look to the birds and I will be the synonym of freedom.

And if you continue forgetting me, look to the moon and I will be the light that guides you in the darkness.

And if the moon doesn't cause you to remember me... Look to the sun and I will be your fountain/source of energy.

And if all of this doesn't cause you to remember me...

Look to the children and I will be the one that affectionately says...


I am not sure if the girl in my group who wrote this for me meant this part as to be from her or from God...but God used it to speak to me as if it were from Him. Especially the part about children at the end! I started out leading my group this year thinking that it would just be God using me to minister to them...I never expected Him to use them to minister to me in return, but He surprised me in this way!

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